THE leader of the UK Independence Party is due to meet some would-be General Election candidates tomorrow.

Roger Knapman will travel round party branches in Hereford, Ledbury and Leominster, to meet and greet party members and members of the public.

UKIP, which took 22 per cent of Herefordshire votes in the European Elections in June, this year, is hoping to have MPs in the Commons in the next Parliament.

The broad thrust of the party manifesto is withdrawing the UK from Europe. It fears the gradual undermining of the country's ability to retain its identity and make its own laws.

Since the elections, Mr Knapman has staved off a leadership contest from celebrity talk show host, Robert Kilroy-Silk.

Mr Knapman will offer support to Christopher Kingsley, and Peter Venables, the prospective parliamentary candidates for Hereford and Leominster.

"None of us is doing it to make up the numbers - we are really going for it," said Mr Kingsley.

Mr Knapman will be at the Nice Things caf on the High Street in Ledbury between 10am and 11.30am. In the afternoon, he will be at the Green Dragon on Broad Street, Hereford, from 2.30pm to 4pm.

Earlier this month, Mr Knapman opened the party's General Election Shop in Kent, selling umbrellas, and bath-robes emblazoned with the Union Jack and £ signs last week.