RESIDENTS in Bleachfield Street are worried they will lose their parking spaces following the closure of a nearby factory.

And they are so concerned they have appealed to Alcester Town Council for help.

Many drivers living in the road have been leaving their cars on the factory forecourt overnight. But new owners Laing Homes have now fenced off the land leaving residents to use the shoppers' car park behind the Swan Hotel.

But with the possibility of parking charges being introduced they are worried that keeping their cars close to their homes could cost them money.

Sally Main, who has lived in Bleachfield Street for the past 14 years, took their case to last week's town council meeting.

She said: "At least 15 cars have been using the factory car parks at night so there are going to be 15 extra cars and nowhere to park.

"I don't think anyone realises how much the factories did for the residents and the town. Someone ought to be made aware of our situation.

"There is no problem in the daytime because we are all at work but if the car park ever becomes 'pay and display' we want to make sure it does not apply at night."

Alcester mayor Chris Gough said: "We are always keen to hear about parking problems in the town. It's an issue that is very close to the heart of this council."

The residents have been advised to write to Warwickshire County Council and pursue the issue of residents' parking permits which are being considered.

l Since Stratford District Council took over responsibility for parking in October, Alcester has been sharing traffic wardens with other towns.

Occasional patrols have been carried out with a number of tickets issued.