IT was announced some 50 students from Bromsgrove County High School would be assisting with the mail deliveries to assure the Christmas post got through on time. University and college students were also assisting in mail sorting. People were being urged to get their seasonal mail posted as soon as possible to avoid backlogs.

FORTY tons of oats were destroyed in a barn fire near Bromsgrove. A fire broke out in a large barn containing scores of tons of unthreshed sheaves. Fire crews spent 27 hours at the site before managing to control the fire. The estimated loss was £1,000.

MR TH Morgan, former vice-chairman of the Bromsgrove branch of the National Farmers' Union, was elected chairman in succession to Mr JA Barnes at the branch's annual meeting at the Golden Lion Inn, Bromsgrove. Mr FH Webb was appointed vice-chairman.