MEMBERS of Stoke Prior Parish Council decided at their meeting to give their active support to the appeal for help in meeting the cost of renovating Stoke Prior Village Hall. Treasurer Mr ES Passmore told colleagues that the provision of a new floor had cost about £400 of which there was at present a deficit of about £150. The committee had about that much in bonds but at least that much again was needed to renovate the exterior woodwork, which had been infested with woodworm.

A sale of Christmas poultry had taken place at Bromsgrove Market Hall, with entries up on the pervious year. The prices however were about the same as the year before. Messrs Luce and Silvers had 2,200 head of poultry, including over 380 turkeys, 155 geese and 1,149 cockerels.

A BROMSGROVE man awaiting call up, Robert Goodyere, 18, a brush worker from Rock Hill, died in Worcester Royal Infirmary from head injuries he suffered in a road accident in Droitwich. He was riding pillion on a motorcycle being driven towards Worcester by Peter Morgan, 18. They had a lorry in front of them and hit it as it slowed down and turned a corner. Peter broke both his arms, his nose and ribs. Neither of the riders had crash helmets on.

THE death of an elderly Catshill man while undergoing an operation in Birmingham General Hospital after being injured in a road accident near the Golden Cross, Marlbrook, was being investigated by Birmingham City coroner. He was Albert George Hartnell, 77, of Golden Cross Lane. He and his brother-in-law Frederick Venning, 85, were knocked down by a car travelling towards Bromsgrove. The inquest was adjourned until Mr Venning was able to give evidence.