A DEDICATED Droitwich Spa woman has been rewarded for her work in setting up the new out-of- hours doctors' service.

Sara Lewis was named senior manager of the year at the South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust (PCT) Staff Achievement Awards on December 6.

Sara has successfully implemented the first phase of the new countywide out-of-hours scheme in Worcestershire.

She is dedicated to ensuring patients are guaranteed medical attention 24 hours a day.

The ceremony took place at the Sacred Heart Church in Worcester Road, Droitwich, and awards were handed out by PCT chairman, David Barrow.

Mike Ridley, the PCT's chief executive said: "The Staff Achievement Awards Scheme has been introduced this year through our Improving Working Lives programme, to show we value our staff and acknowledge their commitment - in many cases above and beyond, what would normally be expected of them.

"I was delighted with the high standard of the nominations. All categories were included whether working in clinical or non-clinical areas. A panel representing staff members met in November and with an agreed criteria, chose staff who should receive the award from the twelve categories listed."

Support workers, nurses and team leaders were also awarded at the event as well as NHS staff with more than 25 years service.