FESTIVE tots have been getting into the Christmas spirit by putting on seasonal shows for their parents and teachers.

More than 100 talented youngsters from Holywell Primary School, in Gunner Lane, Rubery, performed their own twist on the traditional nativity story.

The nursery and reception class pupils presented the story of The Gigantic Star. The tale was of an unhappy star, disappointed not to be small like all the other stars around him, only to discover this was because he was above the stable where the baby Jesus was born.

The show also featured the children singing and playing musical instruments.

School spokeswoman Cynthia Beckett said: "The pupils delighted parents with wonderful singing and music. They also looked wonderful in their costumes. It is a great start to the festive season."

Festive fun was also on the cards at the Stepping Stones Nursery, at Meadows First School, Bromsgrove, with youngsters putting on their own traditional nativity play, including singing and fancy dress.

Over at Stoke Prior First School tots told the story of the Nativity at their Christmas play last week.

The talented little ones recreated the birth of baby Jesus for parents and friends of the Ryefields Road school.

And finally youngsters at Lickey End First School also got out the tinsel and tea towels to re-enact the story of the Nativity.

The School Lane school joined together and gave a performance of the very first Christmas.