I AM afraid I cannot make sense of the reasons given by Cllr Richard Morris for excluding the public from a meeting of Droitwich Town Council's planning committee discussing the plans for the Lido drawn up by the SALT group.

He does however state there will be time later in the month for debate and consultation. Let's hope so - because the chairman of Wychavon's overview and scrutiny committee has seen fit to cancel our meeting which was due to be held in Droitwich today to discuss the same issue.

I have seen a copy of the plans, and they seem to be an excellent way of bringing the Lido back to life - as Cllr Morris says himself.

So why not let the people of Droitwich in on the debate?

Cllr Margaret Rowley

Droitwich Spa

(Overview & scrutiny committee member on Wychavon District Council)