FEED the world - what a wonderfull premise the words of this record evoke, especially when you see those sad pictures of starving people in Africa.

What I can't understand is why these people keep producing these unfortunate babies that don't stand a chance of living a normal life. If some of the money raised was spent on educating the men on family planning, then perhaps the situation would eventually begin to improve.

It would take years but they have to start somewhere. The emaciated women would have some respite and the aid given would have some impact.

Powerful world leaders should sort out the African goverments, and cancel any debt those countries owe them.

All non-perishable goods should be donated from every country that overproduces them.

Is this a pipe dream? I believe it is possible - it just needs a willingness for the world to help ease the suffering of these unfortunate people, and the people of Africa to take some responsibility with the help of birth control.

Margaret Warman

Stalls Farm Rd

Droitwich Spa