SO, after many years of debate, the Hunting with Dogs Bill has gone through with the helping hand of the Parliament Act.

What most people don't understand is that the Act carries a 90-day penalty.

That is precious little time to sort out thousands of dogs. The Labour Party and RSPCA talk about drag hunts and re-homing, but both are laced with extreme difficulties, particularly the latter. There are all sorts of problematic welfare issues.

So much for animal rights. Man's best friend has been pushed around as a political pawn and has now been left high and dry.

Fortunately, the Kennel Club is well and truly burning the midnight oil, and doing everything in its power to get the dogs out of this very tragic situation.

If we are not careful, we could see the mass destruction of thousands of healthy and happy hounds. And for what? So that the fox can be shot, gassed, poisoned or snared.

Our hearts, souls and support go out to the hunt at this very difficult time. We've never hunted, but are animal and passionate dog lovers. For the Government and RSPCA to give the hunt only 90 days is the most callous and brutal thing we have ever heard hidden behind the title of welfare.



Tudor Mount Dog Grooming,

