A ROGUE company featured on the BBC programme Watchdog is targeting residents in Droitwich.

An elderly couple from Westlands was recently visited by staff from European Environmental Controls Limited who told them that their house needed rewiring.

The couple, who did not wish to be named, was charged £99 for an electrical survey but their vigilant daughter soon put a stop to the company's stunt.

"I live in Northampton but, on a visit to see my parents last Monday, I noticed a leaflet for this company at their home. It just so happened that I remember seeing this firm on Watchdog," said Kate Weaver.

The consumer affairs programme exposed EEC in October, after complaints they were conning vulnerable residents into paying for unnecessary work on their homes.

EEC told the Droitwich couple that their whole house would need rewiring.

"The house was built in about 1975 so it certainly didn't need rewiring," said Mrs Weaver.

"Fortunately, my husband knows a lot about electrics so was able to check them. Nothing needed doing. I think it is disgusting that they target old people like this.

"I have told them to cancel the cheque and write to EEC, cancelling the contract."

The husband and wife are 91 and 85 respectively. Mrs Weaver is now concerned EEC may target other residents in this area.

Worcestershire Trading Standards are asking people to be vigilant about people they employ to do work and suggest people should always check identification and if they are unsure, call either the police or the Trading Standards department.

For further details on EEC, visit the Watchdog section at www.bbc.co.uk