CHRISTMAS shoppers are being urged to leave one thing off their gift list - a dog.

According to the charity Dogs Trust, 11 per cent of people would buy a dog as a present, despite warnings.

The charity, which is based at Pitcher's Hill, Evesham, says that although stars such as Britney and Paris Hilton make dog-ownership look trendy, looking after a dog is a huge responsibility.

"Giving someone a new puppy for Christmas along with a pair of cowboy boots or faux fur stole is not to be done lightly," said Clarissa Baldwin, of Dogs Trust.

"Sadly, every year charities such as the Dogs Trust have to pick up the pieces when people don't think through the commitment of sharing their life with a dog.

"Even before the New Year, our rehoming centres start to count the cost of impulse buying as dogs - old and young - are dumped on their doorsteps.

"Christmas is a very hectic time of year with relatives and friends arriving. This isn't the best time to introduce your new dog to the house.

"Dogs can bring a world of happiness into your life. Fashions change, please make sure your commitment to your dog does not."

If you are considering having a puppy this Christmas, the charity urges you to consider the following:

n Owning a dog is a lifelong commitment - dogs live for an average 13 years .

n Dogs aren't cheap - you can expect to spend £8,000 over its lifetime.

nPuppies can be extremely hard work, particularly if there are young children in the house - do you have enough time to spend with your pup?

n Dogs don't come fully trained. They can cause a lot of damage through chewing and accidents. Are you committed to training your dog?

If you would like to contact the Dogs Trust rehoming centre at Pitcher's Hill, Evesham, telephone 01386 830613. It is situated on the A44 between Evesham and Broadway and is open every day between noon and 4pm except Tuesday.