SEXUALITY, gender and inequality were on the agenda when 300 sixth formers met in Worcester Cathedral this week.

Speakers included Church of England priest and sex therapist Jane Fraser, television sports personality Beverley Turner and Fathers-4-Justice campaigners Dave Pyke and Russell Griffin.

They gave general and personal insights into various forms of equality, including the perception of women in sport, women in the church, gay priests and family justice.

The Dean of Worcester, the Very Reverend Peter Marshall, welcomed the discussion.

"I think it is important to be able to have an open and informed discussion on these issues and am pleased to offer the opportunity to young people to be challenged and make judgements," he said.

Natasha Partos of The Chase, Malvern, chaired the conference and pupils from Kings School, Worcester, Hanley Castle High School, Malvern College and St James's School, West Malvern, were among those taking part.

They had already exchanged views through a website provided by Youthcomm, the Worcestershire youth services interactive team.

At the Cathedral, they used electronic technology to vote on three statements - society favours men, sexuality has no influence on opportunity and inequality is nature, not nurture - and gauge whether their views had changed after listening to the speakers.

Two Muslim schoolgirls from Edgbaston High school, in Birmingham, explained how Islam gave women certain rights and freedoms not always perceived by western society.

After discussion, the students put questions to the panel, on subjects such as homosexuality in Islam, the age of consent, parenthood and women in sport.

An artist was also on hand to interpret the conference through painting.

"At the end, the painting neatly created a sense that all the diverse strings were pulled together into something positive," said Sue Adeney, who is Schools Officer at the Cathedral.

"The whole exercise was about making informed judgements through interaction and dialogue, which I think we achieved."