FLOWER GUILD: At the annual meeting of the Flower Guild of St Giles Church, the chairman, Mrs Jan Woollatt, the secretary, Mrs Judith Meikle, and the treasurer, Mrs Ruth Hall were re-elected and thanked for their work. A demonstration of a pedestal of flowers suitable for church was given by Mrs Janice Mosey-Harper. She called on each member to join her in turn, until completion was reached. During this time many hints and suggestions were passed on to new members. Then, each member used material they had brought to create their own mini-pedestal. After everyone had admired everyone else's work, the members enjoyed refreshments provided by committee members. For information on this aspect of the church's work, phone 773370.

VILLAGE MARKET: Saturday, December 4, marks the last village market before Christmas. There will be crafts, plants and locally-produced food. There are to be changes in stallholders in the new year and Jacky would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to be considered. Phone 773236.