IT is with great surprise and annoyance that I read of the possible closure of Foregate Street Main Post Office.

Just what are those people who live in the centre of Worcester to do for their Post Office needs?

What are those poor unfortunates who have already had their local Post Offices closed, supposed to do?

It all comes down to it being a business rather than the national service it is meant to be. As one of those who campaigned (unsuccessfully) to save Lowesmoor Post Office, I feel I must ask:

1. Whether the GPO expects pensioners and those on benefit to spend some of what they receive on public transport to travel the impractical distances they are imposing just to get to a Post Office? We don't all have cars.

2. Whether the GPO has forgotten the prime reason for Post Offices? That is the movement of mail items, sale of stamps, envelopes, weighing then sending packages and state security payments.

It is a huge irony that through advertising we are asked to use all kinds of services at the Post Office but the primary service, the reason it is there... convenience and service is ignored. With customers queueing in the streets, how can they say it isn't needed? If anything we need it more. Madness - utter madness.

