IN response to your front page article "Parents are shown the red card" (Malvern Gazette, November 5), may I take this opportunity to give my support to referee Malcolm Murray and the rest of his colleagues.

As coach to two teams - under 10s and under 15s - I've had the opportunity to witness Malcolm's refereeing over the past six years and found him to be a fair but strict referee, always with an encouraging word for the players, especially the youngsters.

I would agree with him entirely about the parental problem worsening as I personally have had two weekends already spoiled by the attitude of parents at both age group levels.

When will parents realise that children adopt the attitude shown by them and it would be better for everyone involved with the game if they were allowed to get on with playing and, hopefully, enjoying football.

Blame for unsporting behaviour must also be shared by managers and coaches, most of whom place too much emphasis on winning, rather than learning to play the game in a proper spirit with respect for referee, opponents' managers, coaches and each other.

Blame must also be apportioned to the controlling bodies of football who let too much performing and pontificating by so-called superstars go unpunished. The example they set is not one to be condoned.

Let's keep football for the kids and make them realise that without the referees - good, bad or indifferent - there is no football.

JIM TINGLE, Wyeside Park, Bishopswood, Ross-on-Wye.