I HAVE been asked to write to you by the Malvern Civic Society committee. We have been listening with interest to the dialogue that has been taking place with regard to the development of the North Site and would like to add our views.

The Society takes a slightly different and less clinical view of the proposed development - we are primarily concerned with issues that relate to the environment and the maintenance of the character and facilities of the existing residential areas as well as the quality of life of the new residents.

We think that, in principle, the emphasis must be on the best possible development and if that means that some of the proceeds of the land sale are spent on infrastructure facilities, especially a new road, that is in the interests of the people of Malvern.

We are concerned at the effect of the development on the surrounding roads and infrastructure; this is a major development and it should not be assumed that the existing infrastructure will cope.

This means that adequate road access has to be provided. The recent exhibition held in Priory Lodge was comprehensive but focused mainly on better waiting restrictions and minor road improvements.

What is needed is a new road to go from the Townsend Way roundabout to the north of Malvern Link.

A development of several hundred houses is not just another housing estate, it is a separate community, a new village, and should be planned accordingly.

Perhaps we should take Poundbury in Dorset as a role model with its varying styles and materials, its range of housing from flats to town houses, in addition to a good range of shops, a community centre, some small businesses and recreational facilities. As far as possible, the new residents should not have to go outside the village for their immediate needs.

Our existing town and villages have grown up for a reason and are always situated on a convenient transport route; some lateral thinking should be used to provide the best access for the 600 cars and vehicles that will use the site - in addition to the by-pass, maybe consideration should be given to having another small station built to reduce the use of cars.

Finally, we would like to give it a suitable name - Howsell Village - or could Malvern Gazette readers come up with a better idea?

DUDLEY BROOK, Abbey Road, Great Malvern.