FINDING a new use for Kempsey Community Centre, dealing with sick trees and preparing a Parish Plan are going to push up the council tax for parishioners.

A precept of £35,126 - around 15 per cent higher than last year - has been approved by Kempsey Parish Council for 2005-2006.

Last-minute additions to the budget - approved this week - included fees of up to £600 for advice from the District Valuer over the commercial use of the Community Centre and the possible sale of adjoining land.

Members agreed, in principal, to the use of the Community Centre and former headmaster's house for day and after-school child care, subject to financial arrangements.

The parents of 80 children had expressed an interest, they heard.

"It may be a commercial use, but it's a service required by the community," said Mikki Howes-Jones. "I'm 100 per cent behind this proposal and would love to see it go ahead."

It would enhance the reputation and atmosphere of the building, keeping it in use, looking prosperous and answering a local need, said Terence Ward.

Other options include converting the house into flats for rent and selling some of the adjoining land for housing development.

But chairman Joy Clee said there would be a management issue with renting out residential property, and an agent might have to be employed, which would considerably reduce the council's income.

No firm decisions could be made without taking advice on the value of the building and land.

The council had hoped for a Government grant up to £5,000 towards the preparation of a Parish Plan, but grants are no longer available.

It was agreed to set aside £1,000, in addition to £200 already taken out of reserves, towards printing costs and incidental expenses.