For the first time in more than a year, West Malvern has a village shop again! Colin Robinson, landlord of the Lamb, has opened Mad P's Pantry in the shed adjoining the pub car park. In stock is a range of basic requisites, including milk, canned food and cereals as well as items such as light bulbs, batteries, cleaning materials etc. Operated from the pub itself, it will be open during pub hours and most of the day, weekdays and weekends alike. Don't be alarmed if you find the door shut - just ring the bell and Mad Pierre (a nickname someone gave Colin after a character in Beau Geste, which stuck!) himself will pop up to serve you. An opening ceremony by local resident and TV celebrity Dick Strawbridge is planned for Saturday morning, November 27.

The Royal British Legion's annual remembrance day service is at St James's Church at 6.30pm on Sunday and will conducted by our deacon, the Rev Rosemary Herbert. It will be followed by a presentation ceremony at the legion's HQ in Lower Road of a book of remembrance, recording and commemorating the lives of West Malvern's war dead. There will also be presentations to long-serving active supporters of the legion. All residents are invited to attend both the service and the presentations. There will also be an act of remembrance at Sunday morning's holy communion service (10.30am) to be conducted by the Rev Julian Charley.

A reminder too of tomorrow evening's (Saturday) cricket club quiz in the Village Hall, details and table bookings from Lorna Dudley on 565422. Lorna recommends arriving around 7.30, for two good reasons - one, that's when the bar opens and, two, it gives teams time to have a good go at the 'potboiler' before the quiz proper starts around 8pm.

On Tuesday, the Garden and Nature Club will be welcoming guest speaker Austen Perkins who will talk about Royal Gardens. The meeting at the village hall will start at 7.30pm and the club always welcomes non-members, admission £1.

Looking ahead, lovers of songs from the shows can look forward to a treat on Saturday week, November 20, when there will be concert in St James's Church by the Colla Voce choir. This Worcester-based group is made up of experienced young stage performers from a wide variety of musical and theatrical backgrounds. Half the proceeds of sale of tickets (£5) will go to the Church Fabric Fund. Tickets from Gwyn Klee (562114), Rosemary Herbert (572497) or on the door.

The church roof fund will also benefit from a Christmas market is being planned for the village hall on November 27. Any group or individual interested in having a stall (£1) please contact Chantal Crawford on 568474 or Ann Mast on 568214.

The highways authority has agreed to erect a "pedestrians in footway" warning sign in Ebrington Road, showing a child holding an adult's hand. This follows representations led by parish councillor Tony Tinton from residents concerned about safety, especially of young children playing in the narrow cul-de-sac. The sign is likely to go up within the next week.