TICKETS for the Swan Theatre Amateur Company's production of Alan Ayckbourn's Joking Apart are selling like hot cakes despite the fact it does not even start its two week run at the Swan Theatre until February.

But there is a slight problem - the company has yet to find someone to star in the lead role.

The amateur actors and actresses have been so involved with rehearsals for their performances When We Are Married, which was on at the Swan last month, and Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie, which begins on Tuesday, November 23, that there is no-one available to take on the role of Richard in the bittersweet comedy.

"Everyone's been really busy with the spate of shows we have at the moment and we have just exhausted all the possibilities of getting anyone to play Richard from the 60 or so members we have," said Brian Burton, director of Joking Apart.

"The play is set over a 12-year period and the same actor plays Richard from 35-years-old to 47.

"So ideally we are looking for someone who is in the middle of these two ages or who looks that age."

Brian added that someone with acting experience would be ideal as it is a big part.

"There are only eight people in the entire cast and although it is a lead role, they all have to work together," he said.

"Whoever fills it needs to be able to be able to attend two rehearsals a week before Christmas and three a week after."

The play centres around the successful Anthea and Richard who, without knowing it, dominate the lives of their friends and business partners.

Over a period of 12 years they entertain in their garden with its tennis courts, gazebo and seasonal firework parties and the influence that the couple have on the lives of these people is both dramatic and compelling.

For more information on auditioning for the part of Richard contact Brian on 01527 821564.

For tickets to see the Swan Theatre Amateur Company in action in The Glass Menagerie from Tuesday, November 23, to Saturday, November 27, call the box office on 01905 611427.

Stage supremo waits in wings to cook for you

DIRECTOR of Huntingdon Arts Chris Jaeger has revealed another string to his bow - in between running a packed programme of events at Worcester's Swan Theatre and Huntingdon Hall, he fancies himself as a chef.

And one lucky bidder at the Swan Theatre Promises Auction will have the chance to taste his culinary expertise as Chris is offering to travel to the highest bidders' house and cook up a four-course meal for up to four people.

Also up for auction on Tuesday, November 29, are promises ranging from a month's free parking in CrownGate to the use of the Swan Theatre to show the film of your choice for an audience of 300 friends.

The annual event, which last year raised £2,000 towards the £40,000 needed to keep the Swan and Huntingdon Hall open each year, starts at 7.30pm and is free to bidders.

"It's just a bit of fun to raise money for two very worthwhile causes in Worcester," Chris said.

A full list of promises is available from the box office on 01905 611427.