TWENTY-ONE miles of tunnel, was dug, under the English Channel, to accommodate two lines of railway line and much more besides.

Is it really beyond the ingenuity of the authority and Britain , to dig a tunnel, just a few yards, under a railway line, to accommodate a car or a lorry, wide enough for two or just one with traffic lights .... To save money?

Level crossings are inherently dangerous, with accidents, all too frequently, occurring on them. The authority knows this, I am sure they must do, but as usual, in Britain, when it comes to the finer detail and professionalism (and cost too), corners are cut!

Britain has never spent money on safety, our roads are the same; we have the same mentality with our Army, and it has been the same whenever we are at war, soldiers are expendable, cut the cost but not the risks. Always money and excuses; until the Prime Minister has a knee jerk for something controversial, and money comes out of the hat. We can always find the money to waste on irrelevance's.

We have 650 Members of Parliament; 350 too many: who never discuss or question these matters of concern to the public, but will spend time debating their increased allowances and gambling group casino's. We don't deserve these people but we do vote for them. One day we might just wake up and vote for candidates on their merit and not on party lines .. where all they seem to do is support and go along with anything the Prime Minister dictates. This is why our taxes never get spent on what we, the public wants. A short tunnel is no big deal today .. or shouldn't be.

DOUGLAS J WATHEN, Alcester Road, Rushford, Salford Priors.