I was delighted and encouraged to read Ms. Wood's letter (October 28), in which she demonstrated her support for the activities of local associations which bring enrichment and opportunities to the lives of Pershore and its people.

As a member and supporter of, among other things, Pershore Twinning Association, I welcome her public endorsement of these activities.

The sense of tradition and strong community feeling which she so rightly emphasises could not have been felt more intensely than during the visit to Bad Neustadt at the end of last month, where a group of 32 from Pershore celebrated the 25th anniversary of twinning with our German twin town. The warmth of the reception which we received, the extent of the lavish hospitality which we experienced, and their genuine appreciation for the links with our community were clear for all to see. Our arrival coincided with the return to Pershore of the school exchange group, whose visit was organised jointly between Pershore High School and Hanley Castle High School. We heard nothing but praise for the pupils and the staff who accompanied them. It is a credit to them and the town that this exchange programme has evolved and grown into the kind of community tradition which Ms. Wood doubtless had in mind.

The twinning links with Bad Neustadt and Plouay have brought hundreds of visitors to Pershore over the last 25 years. Some of them have, in addition, returned with their families to boost tourist trade in Pershore and foster development within and between communities. Next year Pershore Twinning Association is organising a trip to Plouay, and we have just heard that another group from Bad Neustadt wants to come to Pershore.

I would like to applaud Ms. Wood in her encouragement of local initiatives such as this, and the others she mentions, and join in her exhortations for all local people to follow her example and turn her words into positive action.

G. N. Harris, Besford Bridge, Pershore.