UP TO £35,000 could be spent on upgrading the children's play area on a recreation ground in Fernhill Heath.

North Claines Parish Council has voted in favour of building a 13ft by 13ft concrete base for a basketball net, at an estimated cost of around £1,200, on the playing field known as "Brum".

This aspect of the possible development is part of the long-running plan, funded by Wychavon Community Safety Partnership, to erect a youth shelter on the field.

Enquiries are now being made into the cost of revamping the children's play area to increase the amount of equipment from the present four to possibly eight or nine, including a roundabout, new swings, and a climbing frame.

If this is approved, the cost of the equipment, along with the associated safety surface, will be around £17,000,

A new 3ft 9ins high metal fence, expected to cost around £11,000, will border the play area, which will be slightly enlarged if the development takes place.

John Carter, the parish council's highways, footpaths, lighting and recreation committee chairman, said the parish has around £35,000 to spend on the "Brum".

That includes the cost of installation.

The funding has come from developers, who are required to provide open spaces whenever a certain number of houses are built.

If developers do not provide an open space they must provide the funding for one.

Mr Carter said the installation of the concrete base might not take place until spring, as there is a risk that heavy machinery on wet grass would cause considerable damage.

"At the moment some of the equipment has been there for some time but there is no doubt that there is a lack of equipment on the 'Brum'," said Mr Carter.

"It is all part and parcel of a plan to improve the village in general."

The parish council, which met on Monday, November 1, agreed to discuss the proposals at the next full council meeting in January.