ONCE upon a time, democratic government at all levels, reflected the views of the majority of the people. Was there any discussion between Evesham residents and business representatives with Wychavon before the sudden advance of seven new parking attendants?

Evesham does not have a parking problem and to make any comparison with Pershore is fatuous.

Please do not insult us with feeble arguments; admit it, this is all about cash in the coffers.

I can just picture the treasury accountants salivating over their double entry ledgers: Out: seven neo-nazi uniforms; seven caps/shoes; seven ticket dispensing machines; seven rolls of paper; ten days salary x seven. In: £30,000 in ten days. Result Applause and laughter.

Two weeks ago I attended the NEC franchise show. The boldest claim amongst 200 plus exhibitors was a return of 50% of initial investment within one year.

The Wychavon Way knocks them all for six; though it has the advantage, of course, of hiding behind the guise of the law. Law, a social concept designed to serve the people ... just like democratic government.

PETER DEAN, The Manor, Middle Littleton.