SHAL I abandon in poetic prose, what I hold dear and still propose;

To have the brine pool up and running, all painted bright and looking stunning.

Next summer could be hotter still, don't let our youngsters lose the thrill;

Of sunny days whilst keeping cool, by swimming in our outdoor pool.

Global warming may upon us creep, tell me councillor how do you sleep?

To close a venue of considerable favour, councillor why not become our saviour?

Then after summer just you think, transform it into a lovely ice rink.

Healthy folk of Droitwich, make no mistake, would abandon bikes and don their skates.

A pleasure dome of happy people, councillor help us climb that steeple.

Make Droitwich Spa a happier place, we deserve some pleasure it's no disgrace.

Dear councillor, stop, consider, rethink, your name inscrolled on Droitwich rink.

We in Droitwich then have good reason to use the Lido through every season.

A slogan perhaps would then relate, Droitwich Spa - you swim or skate.

TS Edwards

Arkle Close

Droitwich Spa