I WISH to take issue with two of John Hinton's recent letters.

The first one suggested some "tasteless" telephone masts should be incorporated unobtrusively into the Cathedral's pinnacles for a price.

Surely, if Mr Hinton deems these telephone masts as tasteless for the modern-looking Cathedral Plaza, they will be equally tasteless for the city's historic edifice?

Concerning the Tesco Supermarket/Christopher Whitehead School debate, having declared his own interest, Mr Hinton is now resorting to classify the good people of St John's and Dines Green as nimbys.

Where and when will the Tesco High School saga end? Perhaps a Tesco-devised school curriculum and a Tesco examining board. I could just imagine the promotional blurb: "Pass the English exam and get your Science pass free."

It is a silly notion I grant you, but no more than that of the local authorities allowing supermarket chains to dictate where we can have our schools built.

