NEXT year sees the 40th anniversary of the first public meeting at the Coopers Arms at Habberley where the idea for the Severn Valley Railway was born.

On Wednesday, July 6, 2005, a dining car train will depart from Kidderminster with many of the early members and founders on board for a celebration lunch.

As part of the 40th celebrations, the annual autumn steam gala (September 23-25) has a Great Western Railway theme with, it is hoped, several visiting guest locomotives including one of the famous "King" class as well as other archetypal GWR engines.

One element of the celebrations which has been underway for some time is the research for the forthcoming video/DVD release Severn Valley Story Part 2. The first instalment came out in 2000 as part of the celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of the start of public services on the heritage line in May 1970.

That edition dealt with the early years from 1965-70, while the follow-up will cover the subsequent years.

These programmes are produced and released through the renowned film company PSOV (Preserved Steam On Video) which is based in Stourbridge.

The new video/DVD should be available in mid-2005.