SALFORD parish councillors have been left 'shocked' by the response to the village's parish plan survey.

A record 74 per cent of residents completed the 62-page survey which, once adopted, will become the blueprint for local decision making for the next five years.

Villagers gathered for a meeting at the Memorial Hall on Sunday to have their final say on the plans and view the results of the questionnaire.

Parish councillor Tony Wolfe said: "There was a very big attendance at the meeting and the parish council was much enthused by the genuine interest.

"Residents were given the chance to make final comments and attach them to various parts of the plan.

"I think parish councillors were absolutely shocked by the response - we needed to get a minimum of 50 per cent to be taken seriously so what has been achieved is outstanding.

"The one criticism of parish, district and county councils as well as MPs is that we never listen. Residents obviously thought if they turned out in force we better had listen.

He said: "The top concern was speeding in the village, but running a close second were schools, health and housing. The survey threw up some interesting things, for example the biggest age group in the village is 32 to 42 years. I think that it's very good for the village that we are getting a much more youthful opinion."

Proposed action to deal with residents' concerns and a timetable for suggested improvements must now be included in the parish plan. The document will also be a major factor when applying for local authority and government funding.