LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY: The society is to produce another calendar this Christmas, this time on the theme of local buildings including photographs of some that have now disappeared.

One surviving building, the Curfew Tower, was the subject of concern after it was pointed out at a committee meeting that the old door seemed insecure and the noticeboard of ancient market tolls was deteriorating. It was agreed to point this out to the tower's custodians.

Summer outings for the next year were discussed to include Somerset House in London and Hellens at Much Marcle with Eastnor Castle. For the first time the annual tour of churches will be non-local with Norman churches in Herefordshire as the target.

Thanks were expressed to Ray Poulton for organising this year's outings, which made a profit of £250, the highest for many years.

Treasurer John Barnes reported the society looked like ending the year with a substantial balance in hand with membership at 100.

The next monthly meeting will be on Wednesday, November 10, when the talk will be A Walk Down Cheltenham High Street in 1810, when the town was at its height as a fashionable spa.