DRIVERS speeding through Broom could be forced to slow down if Bidford Parish Council agrees to help fund road safety measures in the village.

Surveys show traffic often approaches the village from Dunnington at up to 50mph and residents are worried about the safety of pedestrians and drivers travelling in the other direction. They, it appears, tend to stick to the 30mph limit.

Officers at Warwickshire County Council have come up with a proposed scheme to tackle the problem but have warned the parish council will be expected to pay 25 per cent of the cost and the most the county would pay is £10,000.

The plans include three visual gateways in Broom Lane, Bidford Road and Mill Lane and there could be a landscaped structure built to reduce High Street to a single lane.

On-road parking would also be encouraged in High Street, with parking bays, as a means of narrowing the road.

Gerry Birkbeck, from the county council's road traffic division, told Bidford parish councillors on Monday: "A chicane would slow the car down but we don't have the funds.

"The council only has £40,000 for the county and that has to be shared between 170 parishes."

If the parish council likes the proposals and agrees to contribute towards costs, they will go on show at a public exhibition in Broom and villagers will be asked for their comments.

The earliest the work could be done is late 2005. The next meeting of Bidford Parish Council will be held at Broom Village Hall on Monday, November 22, at 7.30pm