AT the luncheon on October 13, members stood in silence in memory of Joan Wilkinson, a founder member who passed away on September 20.

Joan Ramwell has resigned for health reasons and has been made a life member.

Speaker and member Elizabeth Bibb gave a talk entitled My Story.

She came from Krefeld in the Rhineland of Germany 50 years ago and now lives in Solihull.

She told of her father, a baker with his own bakery who was called up to the German Army in the First World War but died during the big 'flu epidemic that killed thousands, friend and foe alike.

At the end of the war, things were very bad for Germany but then Hitler came on the scene and the lifestyle improved.

People were advised to join the Nazi Party and the Hitler Youth was started.

Elizabeth spoke of the difficult times she shared with her brother Hans during the Second World War, how they were imprisoned and eventually released and worked as translators.

The vote of thanks was given by Gillian Harris, who presented Elizabeth with a bouquet of flowers. The next luncheon will be on Wednesday, November 10.