March 19, 1904

GEORGE H Tilley, baker, Mount Pleasant, was also summoned for selling bread otherwise than by weight.

Acting under the instructions of Pc Bowcott, Pc Lea went to defendant's shop and purchased a small loaf on Saturday night. The loaf was not weighed by Mrs Tilley and on being weighed at the police station was found to be 12 drams short.

Mr Hobson, who defended, seemed to regard it a strange coincidence that two loaves should be exactly 12 drams deficient and inquired of Pc Lea whether Superintendent Hayes had had his scales adjusted lately. The officer replied he did not know.

Defendant had said he had been in business 38 years and he allowed for more evaporation than was recognised as the standard - two ounces for a two pound loaf.

The loaf in question had probably been out on the cart all day and no doubt it would lose 12 drams in consequence.

He had never had complaints about his bread until now and he had served members of the police force for many years, ever since the time of Sergeant Brown. Fined 2s, 6d and 8s costs.