DUNCAN Roke took another big step towards his comeback last night during Worcester's 48-19 demolition of Plymouth's seconds.

The full back, who has endured a miserable season with injury, played more than an hour in the Sixways clash and was upbeat afterwards.

"I'm still fairly rusty but I felt good during the match," he said.

"I'm not 100 per cent yet and I've got to take it step by step because I've had a few false dawns already this season. I went into contact, made tackles and the knee feels fine so I'm upbeat.

"However, I'm making sure that I don't get too far ahead of myself. After the season I've had, I'm understandably cautious.

"It was very enjoyable to get back onto the first team pitch, though."

Nnamdi Ezulike made a scoring return following his comeback from a knee injury while flanker Neil Mason and fly half Jon Higgins both took the eye with strong performances.

The young front row of Tom Warren, Chris Hall and Mark Hansen also impressed while the promising Martin Freeman came on as a replacement to bag a try double.

It gives coaches John Brain and Andy Keast a pleasant selection dilemma ahead of Saturday's home National One clash with Plymouth Albion.