The Rough Guide to England (Rough Guides, £15.99)

"RIGHT at the geographical heart of the county, Worcester is something of an architectural hotch-potch, its half-timbered Tudor and stone Georgian buildings standing cheek by jowl with some fairly charmless modern developments..."

It must be said, the Rough Guide take on Worcester is pretty accurate. And so, we can presume, is its take on the rest of the country.

From Carlisle to Penzance, Brighton to Norwich, this book is packed full of informative tips, maps and hidden treasures.

Like most Rough Guide publications, this tome is written to help the unsuspecting visitor wade through the myriad mish-mash of a nation's towns, cities, cultures and customs. And nowhere is more of a mish-mash than England.

Given the number of natives that choose to take holidays in their own country, taking this book with you is no bad idea.

"Now couldn't be a better time to visit England.." says the Press release.

It's even easier if you're already living here - and you're in the company of a decent guide.

Jim Collins.