I HAVE read the correspondence concerning a new West Side store at Christopher Whitehead School.

What exactly does G McBride mean by "Upper" St John's? - it's a new one on me.

Furthermore, Dines Green is not part of old St John's which consists largely of terraced housing. In fact, "St John's", "Dines Green," "Lower Wick" and some other locations make up the "West Side" of the city of Worcester.

I am sure the existing Co-op store in Dines Green could, and would serve all the needs of that area if given a chance.

However, we have constant reports of disruption caused by anti-social elements among the youth of the district.

Mr McBride seems to consider that the opinions of the St John's OAPs should be brushed aside. OAPs, whether in St John's or John O'Groats are entitled to state their opinions. So, for that matter, are the residents of Malvern Road.

