The letter you printed last week from Coun Rayner headed 'Ample chance to make comment' demonstrates better than I can explain that neither she nor her committee had been briefed, nor had they researched the issue of North Site traffic before they reached their conclusion.

As a scrutiny body they failed on the first occasion on which they had been asked to scrutinise under the 'call-in' process.

I assume she did not know that I wrote to the planners in February this year with a five-page document, which contained a long paragraph complaining about the lack of reference to a new link road to take traffic away from residential streets.

That point was ignored, so on July 1 I attended and spoke at the Local Plan workshop in Priory Lodge Hall especially on that subject, but neither officers nor councillors present made any comment on what I said.

I have raised the North Site traffic issue in the proper way, at the right time, and then used the call-in process in the way and for the purpose it was intended.

Coun Jeremy Webb now indicates in his letter that the cost of road alterations will exceed £1m. I think that local residents would want to see how that was to be spent on their streets and junctions before deciding if it was acceptable to them. It would go a long way towards taking the traffic away from them altogether!

Roger Hall-Jones, district and town councillor, Abbey Road, Malvern.