IF you go down to the Green today you are in for a blue surprise!

Colwall Green is covered with thousands of wild scabious flowers. Mingled with the corn coloured grasses it is a stunning sight.

I would like to thank Colwall Parish Council and the Malvern Hill Conservators for their sensitive management of this area.

This is a perfect example of how an amenity area and a conservation area can be enjoyed side by side.

The youngsters not only have a play area, but also a wild jungle, full of pathways cut through the long grasses, wild flowers, clovers and scabious buzzing with bees and butterflies.

It is a sad fact that since the Second World War Great Britain has lost 97 per cent of its lowland wildflower meadows.

Obviously this makes any of these tiny pockets of mixed plant communities our last chance to preserve some of our wild flora and fauna.

With intensive agriculture destroying many wild flower areas, this may be the only opportunity some of our children have in their lives to experience these wildflower areas - what a sobering thought.

Well done to everyone concerned in keeping this tiny part of England unspoiled for future generations to enjoy. Don't forget to stop and enjoy the flowers over the next couple of weeks.

Bridget Evans, Caves Folly Nurseries, Colwall.