THE Malvern Wells Players' rehearsals of their next production Big Bad Mouse are going well under the direction of John Wickers. After our recruitment drive and publicity in the Malvern Gazette, several new members joined us. Old and new members are cordially invited to join us for a social evening at the village hall tomorrow (Saturday). Drinks and nibbles are on offer and the newly formed youth group will perform Jabberwocky.

The Revellers start off the autumn programme with Wine in Music and Literature on Saturday, September 25 starting at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £6, including a light supper.

Residents of the Wells are reminded to send in the completed questionnaire regarding use of the village hall. They need to be in by September 30. There is a prize draw of a hamper connected to this survey, which will be drawn at the Revellers fun quiz evening on September 30.