THERE has been more fallout this week over the decision to revoke the Studley Bypass route orders - with suggestions there could be a legal challenge to the Government's decision.

Special projects manager for Warwickshire County Council, Nick Bishton, said the authority would be coming to a decision in a matter of weeks about its course of action.

There were a number of options being assessed, including the possibility of a legal challenge, he said.

The authority was currently taking legal advice.

It has argued all along that it is wrong in principle for the Government to hand responsibility for the congested A435 to the county council without first finding a solution to the road's problems

Mr Bishton said if the Government did 'detrunk' the road, it would have to hand it over to the county council in a 'suitable standard'.

As a result, the county would push for substantial improvements.

Meanwhile, Stratford District Council has also 'deplored' the government decision.

Studley Liberal Democrat district councillors Paul Beaman and Hazel Wright put forward a notice of motion last week, unanimously backed by councillors.

It said proper consideration of new evidence advanced on behalf of the local community living along the route was not possible at January's Public Inquiry into the route orders.

As a result, the motion said, the inquiry had been a 'complete charade'.

The council's head of legal department Peter Cruden also undertook to examine whether a judicial review against the government decision was possible.

Others supported the decision to revoke the orders for the bypass though, including members of the Serrag action group representing communities in Sambourne and south and east Redditch living near the potential route.