L SPITERI insults the intelligence of readers with his political missives. There's no substitute for experience, when many readers can recall a very different society to the one we currently endure.

His need to study social and economic history has been identified before, but no one can accuse Mr Spiteri of being inhibited by lack of knowledge and experience.

Labour Chancellor Roy Jenkins once famously said: "The Permissive Society is the Civilised Society". How wrong can anyone be?

The rest, sadly, is history.

Poisoned social scientists have brainwashed the intellectually-challenged, with Noddy Book theories, and we now wallow in a cesspool of moral, social and economic decadence.

My generation was blessed with numerous maiden aunts, robbed of their chances of marriage by The First World War.


But unlike L Spiteri's contemptuous references, I recall moral, upright ladies, being the backbone as many single ladies are today, of church, chapel or other organisations.

War widows too, led exemplary lives, while enjoying the support of the extended families of those days, as well as society in general, despite the hard days of international economic recession.

But do keep on writing, Mr Spiteri. You are far more effective in destroying your case than any words of mine could achieve!