IN its first publication newsletter, West Mercia Neighbourhood Watch Association, I was disappointed not to see a mention of Rubery's performance noted under the Bromsgrove 'news from around the district.'

What other association has initiated joint patrols with our local beat manager in response to burglaries and anti-social behaviour twice in the last six months?

These actions have had a dramatic effect in neutralising anti-social behaviour, as well as making local residents aware of the type of burglaries and how to prevent them - as outlined in the newsletter signed jointly by our beat manager PC Jayne Heraty and myself.

These efforts were the result of our community members of NW in Rubery, as well as a large contingent of our Air Force Cadets, based in the village, distributing these newsletters. They even covered areas of Cofton Hackett. This in turn (I feel) helped Cofton Hackett to form its own Neighbourhood Watch.

Dave McGrath,


Rubery Neighbourhood Watch

Grass Cutting/Traffic Island