A BROMSGROVE samba band has helped set a world record for synchronised samba playing.

Twenty-six members of Someone at the Door joined 500 other players on a beach in St Ives, Cornwall, earlier this month to strut their stuff and play their special brand of funky beats.

Led by Brazilian Carlos Ferreira, they took part in a rendition of Encon Tor Atlantic with other bands playing at the same time all over the world.

Someone at the Door includes 50 Bromsgrove musicians and has been playing for seven years.

The successful group also performed on the Bullring stage at the Birmingham Artsfest last Saturday and will play at the launch party to celebrate the BBC's move from their Pebble Mill studios in Edgbaston to the city's Mailbox complex this Saturday.

Bromsgrove district and Stoke parish councillor Sean Shannon, (Lab-Charford), who plays in the band, said: "It was great fun in Cornwall and we are pleased to have played our part in helping to set a new world record. The music is fantastic and you can't help tap your feet to it."