HOW can people respect the planning decisions of the city council when they are considering building a multi-story car park within a few hundred yards of some of the most historic parts of Worcester, namely the Cathedral and The Commandery?

One of my favourite views of the city is the one I get when driving down the London Road. There right in front of me, in its full splendour, is the Cathedral.

I read with horror about Worcester City Council's plan to build yet another concrete monstrosity so close to our Cathedral. This surely will be a blot on the landscape. I also have grave misgivings about the underground section of the car park being so near a waterway.

I applaud the Lib Dem councillors Sue Askin and Liz Smith for voicing strong objections.


Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't the council just spent weeks upgrading the King Street car park?

For a council that is so strapped for cash, why have they spent so much money upgrading the car park, when they must of known that this proposal was around the corner?

Stephen Inman prides himself in this Conservative-lead council being prudent and spending their budget well. This is a fine example!

Instead of encouraging yet more traffic in our increasingly congested city, should not the council be finding way to keep traffic away from the most beautiful areas of the city?

Tourists need somewhere to park, but this must be balanced against keeping the city a desirable place to visit.

The residents of Worcester need to speak out. So come on folks if you don't want this to happen, start complaining!

