IN a week when Matt Baker left the club, Hereford United's new coach John Trewick has injected a dose of optimism by insisting the Bulls can win the Conference.

Graham Turner's impressive young Herefod side came within a point of champions Chester City but despite losing several key players, the latest Baker to Wrexham, Trewick is brimming with confidence that they can reproduce last season's form.

The ex-West Brom stalwart is charged with filling Richard O'Kelly's shoes but has already made his mark with a rallying call to inspire his players."

"The majority of last year's squad are still here, and are young and enthusiastic," he said.

"They need to repeat what they did last year. If I didn't feel the club couldn't repeat what they did last year I wouldn't be here.

"I'm really looking forward to working alongside Graham Turner, who has done a magnificent job here.

"The club can progress a lot further. It has great support and I feel that can stay with us. If you can get that fan base through the turnstiles, you then need to give the supporters what they want to make them stay, and that is a winning team."

Meanwhile last season's top scorer Steve Guinan, now with Coca Cola League Two Cheltenham, is keeping his fingers crossed his former club can emulate Chester City and win the Conference.

However he admits he has no doubts about his move back to the Football League."

"I worked hard at Hereford for two years and scored a lot of goals last season," he said.

"I was hoping that a League club would come in and take a chance on me.

"Fortunately, Cheltenham came in for me and hopefully I can reward John Ward's faith by scoring a few goals this season.

"I still speak to some of the lads at Hereford and I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for their scores as the season goes on - hopefully they'll do just as well as last season but finish that one place above."