For the past few weeks L Spiteri has tried to claim that the foundation of Israel was all down to the nasty British.

Now his latest letter (You Say, Saturday, July 3) quietly admits that Britain played only "a part in creating the state of Israel" and he tries to claim that was his point all along.

Just don't go buying a used car from Spiteri Motors, folks.

Don't be bamboozled either by Mr Spiteri's grudging admission that injustices have indeed been committed on both sides in Palestine.

Getting even that much out of him has been a bit like pulling teeth, and his latest letter still tries to place the lion's share of the blame at the doors of Israel and poor old Britain.

Unlike Mr Spiteri, I don't have delusions of grandeur that my "observations" will "halt the gunships or the suicide bombers".

Those who give them their orders, though, do read the papers and track public opinion elsewhere.

They might just take a little pause for thought if the rest of us, instead of playing a one-eyed Spiteri-style blame game, say loud and clear that each side has wronged the other and both need to change.

Julian Thake,

Mortlake Avenue,
