I am moved to write this letter after reading Robert Hale's article (Malvern Gazette, July 2) headlined 'On time claim fails to impress rail user'. It certainly fails to impress me!

If 81.3 per cent of trains run on time, then this means a whopping 18.7 per cent can go AWOL. To put it another way, there need be no trains running at all for four hours out of every 24! You can guess which four hours these are can't you, 7.30am to 9.30am and 3.30pm to 5.30pm probably.

The answer to the Strategic Rail Authority's problems lie in two simple solutions: Firstly, scrap the ludicrous rule that only gives 'on time' trains priority. Give priority back to the passenger trains travelling the furthest distance (as it was under BR). Trains travelling from Hereford then might have a chance of arriving on time.

Secondly, introduce initiatives to get trains cleaned wherever trains are.

It is stupid having all trains travel to South Wales, for instance, just to be cleaned. On the continent carriage cleaning equipment can be seen at regular intervals along the track. We should have the same in the UK. This would make far more efficient use of rolling stock.

Finally, somebody please ask the SRA: how many rail passengers arrive on time?

David Dews, Poolbrook, Malvern.