I READ with interest the report of the latest break-in at Somerfield, featured in the Ledbury Reporter on June 25.

You will see from my address that I live opposite Somerfield. In fact, this store has been broken into several times in the last 12 months and on each occasion, it has seemed that the same method of breaking in has been employed, i.e. levering open the main doors with a crowbar or similar. This would suggest that more stringent security measures are needed and have been needed for quite some time.

Yes, security shutters are needed, as Mr Floody (store manager) states - this is "shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted", but hopefully would prevent the same thing happening again.

Mr Floody states in the article that "apparently, no one heard anything."

Incorrect - as soon as I heard the alarms, I telephoned the police, as I always do (08457 444888), to report the incident. I was told that someone would be sent as soon as possible. I believe the police came from Ross, so it must have taken them about 20 minutes to arrive. I waited outside my house for the police and told them what had happened.

It would seem that thieves in the know are aware this store is an easy target, which is why it happens so often. They must also know the area is not policed locally 24 hours a day and that they have a certain amount of time to carry out the theft before there is a risk of being apprehended.

Easy money for the thieves, but not so good for neighbours who are disturbed time and again and shoppers who bear the cost on their shopping bill.

I will wholeheartedly support any steps taken to improve the security at this store - it is desperately needed.

MRS GILL HOSKINS, New Street, Ledbury.