AN Upton business is the first in the country to stock products to help reunite lost children with their parents.

Travelling with Children in Old Street has recently begun to stock Child Safe products on its website and in the shop.

Child Safe is a national initiative in which parents write their contact details on plastic wristbands and tags for their children to wear while they are out and about.

While the tags can be used alone, parents will also have the option of registering their children's details with a national database.

By supplying a photograph, contact numbers and medical history to the 24-hour database, when a child goes missing at home or abroad, staff can issue details to the local authorities and produce a missing poster in the correct language.

It also means the person who finds the child can find out the child's medical and personal information to ensure the best care for them before they are reunited with their parents.

Owner Annie Jones said Child Safe contacted her as the business is the leading website for travelling with children.

"I think it's absolutely excellent. If you lose your child and don't speak the language, it's an absolute panic, but this makes everything easier," she said.

Registration costs £10 to include tags and wristbands and is available on www.travelling