A representative number of Worcestershire schools performed individually to an enthusiastic, packed audience of family and friends.

Instrumental groups ranged from the large orchestra of impressively intoned strings from Cherry Orchard Primary and Clifton Primary's Music Club of mixed instruments, to the experienced strings and brass of Pershore High School and Chantry High's warm-toned strings and rhythmic drums.

North Bromsgrove High strings sounded moody in Night and Day and Bishop Perowne saxophonists blended into a lovely ensemble. Hallow CE Primary's innovative percussion of elements such as saucepan lids and wooden spoons, above a beat of bouncing balls, was entertaining.

Decibel levels rose as the soul bands of Baxter College and Haybridge played, but neither were as high as those of King-sley College's Steel Band, which greeted our arrival.

Choirs varied greatly. Stone CE First School involved all ages, including some very young ones; Cleve Prior First School sang well with a tape in Sailing.

A large choir from Great Malvern Primary sang with good projection, and an even larger choir of some 60 voices from Comberton Middle had the benefit of composer David Gaukroger to accompany his own songs from Romany Wood.

Wribbenhall Middle used instruments and dancers to elevate the dramatic impact of its' choir. Ipsley CE Middle sang with a beautiful purity, and pupils from Manor Park and Rigby Hall inspired us in their presentations of The Circle of Love and He's got the Whole World, respectively. Jill Hopkins.