MALVERN Theatres is hosting two weeks of exciting summer schools for dance and performing arts.

Three workshops will be run for children. The first, DanceFest, will run from Monday, July 26 to Friday, July 30.

Children between seven and eighteen can learn jazz, contemporary dance and physical theatre in classes run by Angel Dance Company.

Theatre skills are also on offer with two workshops for different ages. Seven to fourteen year-olds can join a theatre summer school by ArtShare from Monday to Friday, August 2-6.

The highly successful team will look at improvisation, characterisation, movement and mime.

Fourteen to eighteen-year-olds are also welcome to an introduction to performing arts with Malvern Theatre Players.

Theatre skills including acting and voice will be developed alongside technical sessions for design, lighting and sound.

For adults, Malvern Theatres host workshops for international dance.

All abilities are welcome to Jackie Guy's Afro-Caribbean dance class. For experienced dancers, Barry Moncrieffe, of Jamaica's National Dance Theatre Company, runs a contemporary dance workshop.

Both adult classes take place on Sunday, August 8.

Booking is essential for all workshops on 01684 89227.