ON an early warm summer's evening, guests enjoyed drinks on the lawn of Forthampton Court and afterwards films presented by Michael Yorke, ranging from communities of people sleeping on the streets of London, Amazon rain forests, draining of the Iraqi swamps and India. This was well received and organised by Peter and Lynda Remmer. A total of £340 was raised for Forthampton church funds as a result.

The village Women's Institute held a successful coffee morning in brilliant sunshine at Malvern Chase, home of president Heather Bloxham. A large plant stall raised a lot of funds and bring and buy items were snapped up.

A coach party from Gloucester were our guests at Forthampton Club for tea provided by the Women's Institute. Members and friends were entertained at the June meeting by Terry Kemp, who spoke of his new patch with South West Waterways, dwelling on maintaining canals and river ways in order both for easy flow of canals and public use of towpaths.

Should anyone wish to come and join us at 2.15pm on the second Tuesday of the month at Forthampton Club they will be most welcome.

The local ministry team organised their first Emmaus course, which took place at the Vicarage at Apperley. Module one of the course commenced in January, with module two in May. The attendance each week was good and everyone enjoyed the course.

Congratulations to Peter Reading and Kate May, who married at St Mary's on June 11 and Darren Mills and Melissa Gordon on June 12. Melissa has been a member of the choir at Forthampton Church since she was eleven.

Forthampton and District Royal British Legion was represented at the national conference held at Scarborough on the weekend of May 29-31. Three members of the branch attended the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landing. Ray Ball took the branch standard to the service at Arromanches and Fred Remmer and Eric Willis attended the service at Bayeaux.

A supper was enjoyed at Forthampton Club to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Forthampton and District Women's Section.

Whist drives have been held in the Village Hall in aid of its funds on May 5 and June 2, when almost £200 was raised. The vascular unit at Cheltenham Hospital benefitted from a very successful whist drive organised by Audrey Peters and her daughter Ann. The amount raised for the cause was £356.